Holt's Birthday by guest: Rachel McGinn

Today is my son's second birthday. He is such a joy to have around and everything I think a little boy should be. Usually I would make a fuss and create a fun kids party but with the tanking economy and a move for us ahead we decided to keep things light. I will never skimp on cake however especially the cake pictured here. It is from one of my favorite old school bakeries in Bryn Mawr Pennsylvania called the Bakery House. For my New York City gal pals it is the equivalent to Magnolia Bakery. Something about the icing just makes me melt.

2. I had high hopes to have a party for Holt and was looking for ideas in one of my new favorite publications from Williams Sonoma- Kid's Parties

3. Another great source for kids photographs comes from my favorite photographer Thayer Allison Gowdy. Visit her Kids portfolio and go GAGA! I hope to reach her status someday.