Final Update Email from Get The Bar

This is the FINAL Update email you will receive from Get The Bar.

From this moment onward you will receive update notices directly from The Bar.

This update is notification of substantial new features and benefits made while completely replacing the Get The website.

Visit Get The and explore a whole new member and visitor experience. To review the latest update, when signed in click My Crowd. In the lower right section of the My Crowd page, you will see - The Bar Library click HERE

When clicked, this displays all Bar updates by date starting with this first update. All previous updates are included within the latest update notification.

From this moment onward, the only update notification is a display of the word Update on The Bar.

Congratulations to all members of The Bar. Share this new experience with friends and family while benefiting from a whole new world of advertising. Share the Value. Share The Bar.

NOTE: to ALL members using Internet Explorer 8 browser

The IE 8 browser is still in late beta format. If familiar with tabbed browsing, you click to open another web page within the same browser via tabs. There is an IE 8 issue that automatically signs you out of The Bar when you open a new tab, even when you were signed in on the previous tab. This same issue occurs even when you have auto-sign in to The Bar 'active'. IE 8 users make note of this and check your 'signed in status' on each tab to assure you earn money when interacting with Ads by ER. This is issue does not exist in IE 7 or Fire Fox.

The Bar Team