What is Microsoft's UC vision?

February 02, 2009 Published by  SearchUnifiedCommunications.com

Unified Communications Connection

Eye on the unified communications market: Microsoft
Blair Pleasant, president and principal analyst, COMMfusion

All of the vendors are approaching UC from various angles, and enterprises need to figure out which approach makes the most sense for their particular environment. For example, most of the switch vendors view the IP PBX as the starting point for UC capabilities. Cisco's approach is based on the converged IP network, while IBM views presence as the starting point, and Microsoft sees the desktop as the heart of UC. All of these approaches make sense and have pros and cons, and companies need to determine which fits best with their philosophy.
Read more about Microsoft's take on the UC market.

Nortel could emerge from bankruptcy as a top UC vendor
Nortel's bankruptcy could kill its partnership with Microsoft, but it could turn Nortel into a leading unified communications (UC) vendor.
Read more about Nortel's possible success.

Mobile UC security is tricky, but basic IP networking is a good start
Mobile device security is becoming a priority as unified communications goes wireless, but the move to IP can prove a boon to beleaguered administrators.
Read more about IP networking basics.

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