Holiday Traditions

Multiple people have asked me about Holiday Traditions and I wanted to open it up to you readers. What types of traditions or memorable moments do you have in your home during the holidays? If you have children, how do you make this season magical for them?

This year, we are having a very low-key Christmas. On both sides of our family we are not exchanging gifts, and my husband and I opted to keep it very simple. We're having a "less is more" Christmas and so far, are thoroughly enjoying it. In fact, it wasn't until last night that I bought our daughter her first gift.

Regarding traditions, we are still working on creating new ones for our little family. Having our child more attentive this year has encouraged us to seek out more 'kid friendly' and family-oriented traditions. To date, one of our most memorable Christmas evenings was snowshoeing up in the mountains under the bright moonlight, something I definitely want to repeat. Hmmm... do you think they make snowshoes for a 2-year-old?

Here are a few traditions that I have heard about, and liked.

Stephanie shared this gift giving option with me from Dandee. The idea is to give each person/child 4 gifts. Something to 1: wear 2: read 3: want, and 4: need. I love the simplicity of this.

Another friend told me about a tradition she started with her child. The idea is to wrap up all of your holiday books (and others or library books if you don't have them) and allow your child to unwrap them every evening before reading starting Dec. 1st. On Christmas Eve they get to open a brand new holiday book to enjoy.

(A Christmas Carol - shown above)

Please share your holiday traditions.