Google Apps on Campus: Getting Things Done in '08

2008 was an action-packed year for Google Apps for Education. We grew by 300% since last year, released two new products: Google Sites and Google Video, heard directly from thousands of students on our cross-country road trip across the U.S., celebrated our two-year anniversary, and fostered new relationships with schools across the globe who have decided to make the move to Google Apps.

We think this is an early sign of change to come.
In fact, according to a recent study, 71% of universities are currently considering a hosted solution for student email, and 56% of those schools are choosing Google Apps for Education for their students.* We spend a lot of time talking with educators and students, and it's clear that they're as enthusiastic as we are about all the new possibilities and potential that these services provide in and out of the classroom.

Adding to the thousands of universities already using Apps, many new schools deployed Apps in 2008, including Virginia Community College System, University of California Davis, Gothenburg University, New South Wales and Temple University. The Google Apps family continues to grow, and today we have more than 3 million active users at educational institutions around the world.

We can't wait to see what's in store for 2009 as we continue to strive for innovation and efficiency.
If you're interested in joining the Google Apps family -- or know of a school that would benefit from these tools -- please visit

*source: Campus Computing Survey 2008