Google Site Search Gets More Demanding

November 13, 2008

Google today launched On-Demand Indexing, a new feature for Google Site Search that allows businesses to quickly incorporate new pages and important site updates into search results on their websites. On-Demand Indexing ensures that site visitors have access to a site’s freshest content, and that businesses have the flexibility to share news, product releases and promotions as they happen.

With On-Demand Indexing:

  • Site owners get an "Index Now" button to quickly and easily update their site search results with new and updated content.
  • New pages are searchable within hours – taking no longer than a day to appear within site search results.

On-Demand Indexing has allowed Adobe to easily keep their new online Adobe Community Help up to date, creating a dynamic resource that combines Adobe’s in-depth help centers with the most current resources available online. With Google Site Search, Adobe can selectively index the most relevant results from across their entire online community, and expose these resources directly to their Creative Suite customers – creating a unique tool that spans from the desktop into the cloud.

“On-Demand Indexing was essential for our recent launch of Adobe Creative Suite 4, the biggest software release in the company’s history,” said Tanya Wendling, senior director for Learning Resources at Adobe. “Google Site Search made it easy to implement search across our Creative Suite product line and online sites, and we are now able to index thousands of new pages and make them available to millions of users worldwide within hours.”

Google Site Search, our cloud-based search solution for business, helps thousands of organizations harness the power of, and fully customize search to suit their website. Along with the greater control of On-Demand Indexing, site owners get the same ease of use and fast results of Google Site Search, including:

  • Set up that takes minutes and results returned in less than a second
  • The ability to promote new or certain types of pages at the top of results
  • Full customization controls over the look and feel of search
  • A range of options for phone and email support

For more information about On-Demand Indexing, please visit our blog post. For more information about Google Site Search and Google’s search solutions for the Enterprise, please visit our information page or check out the video below.