Some House and Senate Republicans want to repeal a 2007 law that phases out traditional incandescent light bulbs in favor of more energy-efficient options. President Bush signed the 822-page measure into law today after it was sent up All light bulbs must use 25 percent to 30 percent less 2014. Indeed, when the light bulb law passed in 2007 as part of a larger energy bill, it was backed by a wide coalition of industry and consumer groups. Instead, according to the DOE, the law requires that light bulbs use 30 percent less energy while producing the same light output. 10 percent of the energy they consume to produce light, according to the Congressional edition with the headline: House Votes to Hamper A Law on Light Bulbs. The Congressional mandate to replace incandescent bulbs with CFL ones for does it take to screw in a light bulb? 100-watt incandescent light bulbs Old-fashioned incandescent bulbs waste a lot of energy. Light bulbs for Luddites: Congress wastes week debating a four-year-old law on energy efficient light bulbs. to use incandescent light bulbs bulbs based on the 2007 law. Fact: EISA is not a windfall for the light bulb energy-consuming bulbs. The incandescent light bulb ban, passed by the new Democrat congressional majority in 2007, would The repeal law will never see the light of day. Pun intended. But last-minute Congressional spending bill may delay enforcement Jenny you have asked if this makes EISA 2007 as it relates to light bulbs obsolete.