Beautiful Classic Books

Sabrina over at the Hello Lucky blog reminded me how much I adore these beautifully styled books that I first saw at Design*Sponge. I am a classic book reading type of gal and would love to put these lovelies designed by Coralie Bickford-Smith on my shelf. They can be found online in the UK here. (I hope a U.S. option/retailer will join the mix) See them up close here.

I am also enamoured with the redesign (by Kelly Blair) of these Harvard Business Review classics which I saw in the Chicago Airport. I wanted to buy 5 of the beautifully design slim books, because they were so gorgeous, and you can't go wrong with classic business stuff --- right? (images found here)

Looking for something pretty and mini? I have purchased these mini gramercy classics in the past, which have been great for 'on the go' reading.

The impeccably designed Penguin "great ideas" series I once talked about here, has also expanded to include series 2 and 3. Yes...

Other beautiful books/series I've had my eye on for a while include 1: Phaidon Color Library Series 2:Wallpaper City Guide 3: Merriam-Webster Fashion Color dictionary.

What books are you enjoying the covers and content of? Do share.