
This past weekend I was in the Hudson River valley and what did I do? I went to 2 house museums and this amazing church with windows by my favorite artist, Chagall! The first house museum I visited was one of the best examples of Gothic Revival here in the US - and that all architects study in architectural history - Lyndhurst.
approach to the house from the carriage house.rear of the house -overlooking the Hudson River Valley
detail of the roof - the skylight you see here opens up below into the 2nd floor art gallery -my favorite room of the house

First designed in 1838 by Alexander Davis, it was later seamlessly expanded on in 1864 by the same architect for a new owner. The house is now owned by the national trust for historic preservation and is a full time museum. I was surprised that it wasn't in top-notch shape, but it seems like they are currently working on the estate. The yard was designed by landscape architect Ferdinand Mangold in the English naturalistic style to go with the romantic style of the house. It looks so natural you would never guess that the house wasn't just built on the existing property (without a lot of yard work). The interiors are as fantastical as you would expect, but pictures weren't allowed unfortunately.The bowling alley on the edge of the property with Hudson River views -currently being renovated. The last standing of the former servant's cottages -now privately owned
the poolhouse - now privately owned and being renovated.
Detail of the poolhouse
part of the enormous carriage house - now the visitors center and cafe.
an incredible gothic display case in the carriage house

An abandoned lawn ornament

Tomorrow -Kykuit -home to 4 generations of Rockefellers and an amazing art collection