Rationing of Petrol & Diesel in India

As much as the government and bosses from oil marketing companies disagree ,rationing is definitely taking place in the sales of petrol and diesel at our petrol pumps[filling stations].

For the past few days infact the situation is getting from bad to worse.Not only do you have to contend with long lines you also have fuel not available signs at many of the filling stations.

Some pumps in urban areas are even stocking only premium fuels.The situation is worst in the case of diesel as demand is higher and dealers are allotted a fixed quantity[both petrol and diesel] by the oil marketing companies.Also diesel subsidies are higher which is further bleeding the oil companies.As a result of which diesel is facing a far more severe shortage than petrol.

It had to come to this with the government unable to increase prices and rising crude prices.

Now where is my electric car[reva/g-wiz],damn there is no electricity to charge it even.