Hyundai India sizzles once more

At a time when the entire automobile sector is facing a slowdown there seems to be an exception to the trend.For the past few months Hyundai India is achieving almost magical figures of growth and just before you jump to conclusions that it is only the i-10 then think again.Even in the A3 segment Hyundai is achieving phenomenal sales[and is not surprisingly the segment leader].

For the month of june,hyundai has achieved a phenomenal 34% increase in domestic sales[overall sales including exports is 45.3%].As in my earlier post once more I say Maruti faces a bigger problem from hyundai than from honda or toyota.

The c-segment sales are the ones which standout the most.Its two main rivals maruti and honda need to take a leaf out of hyundai's books and bring in diesel variants of their cars[sx4,honda city].

As far as the i-10 goes maruti surely missed a trick or two and right now all rivals look far too outdated in front of the futuristic i-10.God help them when the diesel variant is out by the end of the year.As far as the i-10 goes, hyundai very smartly went the honda way and went in for a luxurious interior[read beige with fake wood panels] with a futuristic exterior design a sureshot way of success in the Indian market[Ask honda how it managed to sell so many honda city's inspite of its price].Just don't know why it takes rivals so much time to realise this.

Just like Suzuki,Hyundai too may become more of an Indian company than a korean one.