Citizen Journalism and blogging scene in Asia

A presentation was made recently at “Asia Regional Forum for Media Development: Creating a Democratic Media Culture in in Asia” organized by the Global Forum for Media Development (GFMD) with Sri Lanka in Focus.

Some of the lessons learnt:

* If you work in Journalism, you work for an online news organization whether you want to or not.

* News is a conversation

* Blogs represent the most open public communications platform for the political disclosure

* The peer-to-peer architecture of the blogosphere is resistant to capture and control by the state than the older, hub and spoke architecture of the mass media model.

* Journalists under attack can still publish under new media.

* Leverage the growth of web media for development, democracy, human rights, good governance, transparency, accountability and peace building.

Here is the full presentation:

Via ICT for Peacebuilding (ICT4Peace)