I'm currently in 'new backsplash' mode. My current backsplash is only 1 1/2 years old (same as the apartment) but it's stainless steel and it makes for a lot of BLAHness with the stainless appliances PLUS it's hard to keep clean and there were some scratches in it from when it was installed.
I've noticed recently that a lot of designers are using mirror for a backsplash. This seems like a good idea to me; it amplifies the light and space, it's easy to clean (windex) and it adds a touch of glamour to the space.
an example from HGTV

Miles' famous vintage mirrored bathroom

My favorite interior designer, Miles Redd, even has a mirrored countertop (and bathroom, but thats another story). 
the mirrored backsplash and counter above and below in Miles' apartment

So what do we think of mirrored backsplashes? I've included a picture of my kitchen (yes, I know it's small, but it's a small apartment in the city!). Yes, No??

my rather lackluster kitchen -mirror, yes?
I know the clutter on top of the cabinets is annoying, but I have nowhere else to put it and tried my best to make it aesthetically pleasing!