Lately we've been hearing about more companies letting employees choose their own computers and operating systems, rather than having a one-computer-fits-all policy. Googlers also have this choice, and I recently switched back to a Mac. I used Macs from 5th grade through college, so everything just feels a little more natural again.
Cloud computing is one trend that's enabling mixed operating system environments at businesses and schools. With technologies like Google Apps, applications run just the same on Windows, OS X and Linux distributions like Red Hat or Ubuntu. Everyone can use the platform they're most comfortable with, without causing all kinds of compatibility headaches.
Being platform-agnostic also means working on mobile devices. For example, you might have read our recent announcement that it just got easier to use Google Apps on the iPhone and iPod Touch in 17 different languages. Bookmark from your iPhone's browser, and you'll have streamlined access to Gmail, Google Calendar and Google Docs on the go. (Be sure to replace '' with your actual domain name.)