Happy National Teacher Day! To celebrate, we have some inspiration, and some instruction.

Awhile back you may remember that we asked teachers to share their stories about using Google Docs. And did you ever. We were humbled by the exceptional creativity that you expressed to us. Reading through these submissions, we realized that we had to share these ideas, and the along with them the evident passion for teaching.

For anyone who's looking for inspiration on using Docs in the classroom, we've gathered a sampling of the ideas and stories we received from these teachers and put together this document, showing many creative uses of Docs in education.

But, while we were constructing this document, we realized that these solutions, while great, won't be immediately straightforward to those not familiar with Docs.

For people who'd like to know a little more before diving in, we've created a getting started document targeted specifically to educators: Using Google Docs in the Classroom. This Docs-specific resource is available, along with other documents covering many Google applications, on the newly-revamped Google for Educators page.

Finally, I'd like to close by saying that there's no one on the Docs team who'd be here without an exceptional teacher. I speak for all of us when I say to Ms. Berkebile, Mr. Cohen, Mrs. Mulder-Wollon, Professor Trujillo, Ms. LaFon and all the other wonderful educators out there - a sincere thank you from all of us.