The Menu {04.21.08 + 04.23.08}

So far so good on this weeks menu plan...I did go back to Whole Foods today {only the second time this week} to get fish and chicken for tonight and tomorrow. Monday I had Spring Hash with Fried Eggs, Tuesday {I was so tired I forgot to take a picture} was Potato and Onion Flatbread, and today's amazing dinner was Salmon with Asparagus and Goat Cheese. It was incredibly delicious...Oh, and those plates are my favorite EVER...

By the way, a little update on my New Years Resolutions that I made last November...I am doing pretty well...I am an almost vegetarian. I eat fish once or twice a week, and very occasionally I will have a Roast Beef Po-boy {I've probably eaten beef 10 times since making the resolution to become a vegetarian} Ok, and I also sometimes eat bacon, because it still taste really good to me {again maybe 10 times since November.} But overall I have drastically reduced my meat consumption, which I'm really happy about.

Also, I almost always remember my reusable bags at all stores these days {if I don't sometime I punish myself my having to carry what I purchased to the car and I also carry a large purse to compensate...the checkers always look at me like I'm an alien, but I don't care} Our large stash of plastic bags under the sink that we use as trash bags is all but gone...