Biofuels - Not so green an option.

Biofuel is the in thing right now with manufacturers deciding that sporting bio-fuel compliant stickers is the best way to protect the environment.

Though it would significantly lower the fuel bills of our country environmentalists are raising the question that biofuels would actually do more harm to the environment than be of any help.The biggest problem they say is that forest cover is being destroyed inorder to grow these biofuels thereby actually increasing the greenhouse emissions rather than decreasing them.Another worry is that do you want to feed humans or cars,with biofuels directly competing with food for human consumption.This is leading to an adverse effect in the form of rising food prices.Given a choice the government would rather prefer rising fuel prices to an increase in the prices of food.

Biofuel companies are painting a rosy picture by saying that wastelands[non-arable] would be used for cultivation of these biofuels but in reality it is the arable areas which is being used for cultivation in most areas.

Globally biofuels are now turning out to be a more costly affair so much so that the attraction in turns of lower fuel bills is actually decreasing and is turning to a point where it does not make any economic sense either.Global consumption of biofuels is thus on the downward path.

So is all this hype with regards to biofuels actually worth it in the end.