- videos uploaded by username - videos bookmarked by username - playlists created by username - username's subscriptions
Some useful parameters for the feeds:
?max-results=50: the maximum number of items from a feed (by default, a feed includes only 25 items).
?alt=rss or ?alt=json: change the output format to RSS feeds or to JavaScript code (JSON) that can be easily used from web applications.
?vq=query: use this parameter to create a filter for a feed. Obtain only the videos that contain your query in the metadata (title, tags, description).
?orderby={updated, viewCount, rating, relevance}: sort the items from feed by upload date, number of views, rating or relevance.
Example of a feed:
vq="google+maps"&orderby=viewCount (the videos about Google Maps uploaded by Google, sorted by popularity)
These feeds can also be used in applications like Miro to export your videos from YouTube.
{via YouTube API Blog}