Brand Update : Eyetex

I had written last year about the brand Eyetex and its initiative to tap the new generation with the new brand Dazzler. The Senior Management of the firm was kind enough to provide me further information about the brand which I would like to share with you , Excerpts from the mail
  • Last year we sold 23.4 million pieces of our traditional EYETEX Kajal,
  • We believe that no brand of any Eye Care Cosmetic sells such a volume in India - value is a different matter,
  • This year, the target is appr. 25.8 millions of pieces - the low growth is due to the near saturation level of penetration,
  • We also produce five varieties of Eyeliner Liquid under the same brand EYETEX - but this is synthetic product like the Brands that you have mentioned,
  • We sold 1.42 millions pieces of our EYETEX Eyeliner Liquid in 2006-07;
  • We believe that this is the Second largest next to LAKME who are reported to have sold close to 4.0 millions pieces of their Eyeliner liquid,
  • This year the target is 1.75 million pieces
  • In your state KERALA, our Eyeliner Liquid is by far the Number I Brand in volumes - this can be easily verified,
  • These 1.42 millions sales in 2006-07 comes on top of just 1.60 lakhs pieces of Eyeliner Liquid sold as recently as 2000-01,
  • As your BLOG aptly titles - Eye On The Next Generation - we are also into Eye Mascara {since 2005}, Eyebrow Pencils {since 1975},
  • We are also into - under the Brand DAZLLER - Nail Polish {3 varieties}, Nail Polish Remover, Lip Sticks {2 sizes}, Lip Gloss, Compact Powder, Liquid Makeup {Foundation Cream}, Lip Eye Makeup Remover etc.,
  • We are also the largest BRAND in the Kumkum business in India - the Umbrella Brand is EYETEX and this has sub Brands namely POORNIMA, PALLAVI & DIVYAA,
  • We sell Kumkum in Powder, Paste, Liquid, Pencil & Sticker forms,
  • In 2006-07 we sold over 64 million pieces of different varietis of Kumkum

Great going for a heritage brand like Eyetex. It is always good to see Indian brands keeping their forte even after the onslaught of Global brands. But the threat is real. A dipstick study at my institute revealed little percentage using the heritage brands and majority going towards global brands ( may not be statistically relevant) . But these brands has their strength of the equity that it has created over these years. Only thing they have to do is to strengthen it.

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