Boomer : Boom Boom Boomer

Brand : Boomer
Company: Wrigley's
Agency : Grey

Brand Count : 241

Boomer is a pure kids brand. When most of the chewing gum marketers are spending heavily on the adult segment with sugarfree variants and outlandish ad budgets and creatives, Boomer followed the kids.
I feel that Boomer now takes the position of BIGFUN which was the best selling chewing gum during my school days. BigFun is currently not in the market.
Boomer was launched in India in 1995 by Joyco-which is a confectionery major from Spain.Boomer actually revived the chewing gum market in India and in 2000 became the single largest brand in the segment with a market share of over 40%. But later the company lost out to Perfetti which redefined the entire confectionery market. In 2005 Joyco was taken over by Wrigley's . Today Boomer is fighting for leadership position with its competitor Big Babool .

Boomer is targeting kids aged 10-15 . I am little confused about the positioning of this brand because I could not make out the exact positioning strategy. But Boomer focuses on the fantasy hero who helps the kids who land up in the midst of villains. Its a kind of story book fantasy that this brand tries to adopt. The brand has effectively made use of its brand elements like the Boomer Hero and the famous jingle "Boom Boom Boomer". Hence this brands is positioned as a friendly companion for the little customers. The ads of Boomer is another example of Absurdism in Advertisements.
Boomer is an international brand and uses the same Boomer Hero. Worldwide this brand uses the same theme to promote itself.
The brand thus have advantage of its competitor because Babool lacks such powerful brand elements. Boomer is able to catch the attention of kids through various heroic stories of Boomer and that can very often translate to sales. Moreover in the kids confectionery, the product sales now are driven by sales promotions rather than brand. Kids may choose Babool if it offers more goodies than Boomer.
In the highly competitive market for Kid's mindshare , Boomer stands to gain because of the strength of its brand elements.