Bangladesh hearts USA

I think in 2005 I wrote about Bangladesh Post office (govt. owned) booths in rural areas offering services to customers (who want to emigrate to USA) to help applying online for DV Lottery. One can imagine that it may be a government ploy to tackle the overpopulation in the country.

Hermie, a Dutch expatriate in Dhaka points to another instance:
Two days before our travel, we were told, that from that day onwards, we would have to e-register through a special website. There was no choice: from today, the website was accessible and thus, e-registration mandatory. It took me almost half a day to register all six of us, but well, then it was done at least. The website boasted that it was created for “better service of customs to foreigner’s” (including spelling mistake).

Two weeks later, the url address of the website appeared to have changed. One week after that, the whole procedure was abolished for lack of success. The old website has a new objective: to help Bangladeshi people immigrate into the USA.