Big game

Elric Petit, Augustin Scott de Martinville and Grégoire Jeanmonod met at ECAL, in Lausanne. Respectively Belgian, French and Swiss, they developed a common approach and soon they formed a close team. Big-Game was created in June 2004.
For “HERITAGE IN PROGRESS”, their first collection presented at the Milan Furniture Fair in 2005, Big-Game are confronting two radically opposed notions: heritage and contemporary lifestyle.
While heritage places the object in the continuum of time, the current consensus regarding speed goes against any kind of continuity. How are we to confront our mobility and so-called “zapping culture” with cultural references passed down to us? Heritage can be the heads of animals we didn’t hunt, the tables too heavy to be moved and the centre lights you just can’t remove the dust from. Humour and distance are to be found in HERITAGE IN PROGRESS as much as technical and economic realism. The objects displayed are thought out for industrial mass production.