Modern Aluminum

Melt Modern offers custom work tailored to your individual needs as well as a limited collection of limited in-stock products. We personally make each piece by hand, ensuring that no two are identical. While the basic shape and dimensions are consistent throughout a line, the surface texture, wall thickness and exterior edges vary considerably from piece to piece.Many of our products utilize cast aluminum due to its desirable characteristics. Cast aluminum has an excellent strength to weight ratio and is a practical material that can be used outdoors as well as in (an exterior salt air environment is not recommended). Aluminum will subtly reflect the colors around it. A wall piece will take on a yellow glow as the morning sun pours in and will change throughout the day as the light travels about the room. In a white, minimalist room, the aluminum surfaces take on an introspective Zen-like quality with subtle variations of shadow resting on a monochromatic surface. In a garden or room with colorful paintings, walls or carpets, the aluminum will glow with reflected color.