Well then answer the following questions
1. How do you communicate to the customers?
2. Who is communicating with the customers?
3. Who listens to the customers?
4. Are they trained?
5. Is the feedback filtered before reaching the top management?
6. How are you handling moments of truth?
" Moments of truth" is an interesting term. These are the moments when the company come in face to face with the customer. If the company fail to impress, that is it!!!
Recently my wife was complaining about the increasing workload at her office where she work in the front office. The reason was that the company has decided ( wisely) to prun the staff. Hence with the limited staff they have to handle an increasing traffic.
By not managing the moment of truth, the company is losing on the longterm for shortterm benefits. Most of the companies try to cut those staff who are handling customers in order to save on cost( Thompson Harvey, The customer centered enterprise, Tata McgrawHill 2003). This will result in lot of dissatisfaction in customers which will eventually hurt the companies longterm future.
It is just commonsense.. You have to make sure that when you meet the customer you should put your best face forward. Have your best employees man the customer touchpoint. Train them and pay them well so that they are happy serving the customer. Companies spend lot of money attracting the customers to them and piss them off when customers meet the company.
to be continued......