SEARCH: Tag--You're Found

In some recent discussions with colleagues...let me start over. While surfing and chatting over lattes last night with some friends, we discussed how it seems the Internet search engine has come full circle. First we had Yahoo!. Now, I remember the days when Yahoo! was my friend. If I wanted to look for "free games", just click on Computers >> Software >> Games >> Free/Freeware and I'd see a list of 50 to 500 sites indexed for my perusal. I even imagine that, at the time, actual people read the requests for adding sites to the Yahoo! listings.

Then came Google. Don't get me wrong, I still love Google and use it daily for certain types of searching, but believe me, you don't want to waste your time typing in "free games"--that'll lead you to endless links, many inactive, other's useless, some profane, a few simply spyware spider holes.

So, now what are we investigative netizens to do? We still want Google to have a list of anything and everything available to us, so it has it's place, but now it's time to get a more trustworthy and specific search when we're looking at a topic. Wikis have proven to use the democratic process and allow for community information building, but with a web search, we need something slightly different. This is were tagging comes into play. Sites like are basically search engine communities built by surfers themselves. You find a site you like and tag it for the team. For example, my search for "free games" came up with about 100 sites and most of them seemed to be tagged appropriately. While I know this system lends itself to abuse by the self-promotional, it still seems the best middle ground we have between the old Yahoo! lists and the complete Google compendium.

- Hutch