Google Acquires Limes Audio For Improving Voice Quality in Hangouts

Limes Audio focuses on improving the quality of voice calls
Google recently announced in a blog post that it acquired Swedish company Limes Audio, which focuses on bringing solutions for improving the quality of voice calls. The company was created 10 years ago and it has offices in Umeå, Sweden, as well as Stockholm and Palo Alto.

Google is now focusing on providing a great audio experience to its video conferencing solutions, including Google Hangouts. “With G Suite customers now relying on video communications for their day-to-day meetings, it's more important than ever to ensure low-cost, high-quality audio,” the blog post reads.

The company said that a poor Internet connection can affect the quality of video calls, which is why Google is now relying on Limes to find solutions for such issues. Limes Audio has been working on creating solutions for removing distortion and echoes that can affect online video and telephony calls.

Limes Audio will be providing solutions for improved voice call quality

Limes Audio also announced the deal in a post on its website saying that the company plans to “continue to work towards all voice conversations sounding equally loud and clear, regardless of the distance or environment.” The terms of the deal with Google haven’t been disclosed.

This isn’t the first time that Google buys a startup company from Sweden. A few years ago, the tech giant acquired Marratech, a Swedish communications company. Google aimed at improving Google Talk and Hangouts with this acquisition.

At the time, Hangouts was one of the main video-chatting apps for Android phones, but it has since been replaced by Duo within the suite of core GMS apps. Hangouts has been transformed into a business communications platform, while Duo would assist end-users in placing video calls. One of the main advantages of Duo is its features that prevent the app from dropping the call when Wi-Fi or network connectivity is lacking.