Apple Asked to Investigate "Widespread" iPhone Bug Shutting Down Chinese Phones

Info! Consumer organization calls for investigation from Apple
As if being in the middle of the dispute between China and the United States over import tariffs proposed by Donald Trump wasn’t enough, Apple is now forced to investigate a number of iPhones in China that are said to be suffering from a bug shutting them down at random times.

The so-called China Consumer Association (CCA) has posted an announcement on its website to inform that it requested Apple to look into reports of iPhone 6 and iPhone 6s models that might be impacted by a bug which appears to be shutting them down even with 50 percent battery left.

According to an approximate Google Translate version of the announcement, the consumer organization has received reports from a big number of iPhone buyers, pointing out that this could be a widespread issue impacting models sold in the country.

iPhones shutting down all of a sudden

Only the iPhone 6 and the 6s seem to be suffering this bug, which according to the same organization, causes the devices to shut down all of a sudden even though there’s still plenty of battery power left. There are also reports of iPhones going dark when the temperature drops significantly, and CCA says that users were unable to turn their devices on after seeing the bug.
“Given that Apple’s iPhone 6 and iPhone 6s series of mobile phones have a considerable number of customers in China, and the same number reported the problems, China Consumers Association has issued a query to Apple to investigate the abnormal automatic shutdown,” the group explains, saying that it’s trying to protect the “interests of consumers.”
Apple hasn’t yet issued a statement on this, and it’s not yet known why these iPhones shut down all of a sudden, but the company clearly has no other option than to investigate these reports.

China is becoming a pretty hostile market for Apple, but Cupertino needs to comply with all requirements given that it’s generating substantial iPhone sales, so expect the company to do everything that’s possible to fix these bricked phones.