10 Killer Blogspot SEO Tips For Bloggers

As I discussed before about which platform is best for blogging Blogspot Or Worpress and for one reason I don't like BlogSpot much is because we can't fully control blogspot blogs. There are many Blogspot SEO guides that you may find on the internet, and all are related to template editing and all, but in Wordpress, plugins make it easier to optimize your blog. Just i want to tell that wordpress seo is easier than blogspot. But I'm not here to disappoint my blogspot friends. Instead, I will be sharing some cool Blogspot SEO Tips which will help you to drive more traffic and better ranking. Blogspot being a Free Blogging Platform. It's always a preferred platform to start blogging and learn the basics.

If you or a friend needs to know what is a blog and how to create a blog with step-by-step guide, you can refer below link to him/her: What is a Blog & How to Create a Blog? 

Google Blogger is free and easy to use article publishing tool. Many Bloggers initially use Blogger, Even I am using it now. And then Migrate to Wordpress Complaining about the lack of official templates,post SEO Friendliness,Plugins etc.., In Previous I had tell you How to Display a Search Box of Your Website in Google Results (For your website or blog)?  & How to Get Star Rating Review in Google Search Results (For Blogspot Blogs)?  .

Blogger SEO (Search Engine Optimization):

When we talk about SEO, very first thing which you need to keep in mind is: We can control on site and off site SEO. On Page SEO is covered by you which includes article quality, how well it’s optimized for Keyword and meta value for that article. I will help you to learn every basic and make your Blogger blog more search engine friendly and get more traffic and better ranking.

1). Blogger Custom Permalink:

Permalinks Plays an important role in search engine ranking of your post. There are few rules which everyone should follow for BlogSpot/Blogger Permalinks:
  • Keep the Number of Characters in post title to 50.
  • Remove Stop Words like: A,an,the from Permalink
10 Killer Blogspot SEO Tips For bloggers

Click here to Know How to use Custom Permalink For Blogspot Blogs.

2). Maintain Keyword Density:

Keyword density is also an important aspect for better ranking. Too Less will lead to less ranking and stuffing your Keyword will lead to over optimization. I usually maintain a ratio of 2%/post. Though, you can pick keyword density for your Blogpost SEO, account to one which works for you. Publish articles in relevance to post title and include necessary keywords in the post. Never stuff keywords to manipulate search engines. But after finish writing, you can analyze the whole post to find out suitable locations where the keywords can be safely inserted without distracting readers.

3). Blogspot Proper Labels and Related Posts:

Label adds to the keyword density of the post. Labels should be widened rather than putting them into the single narrow category.I will explain this point by an example. Consider a situation when you are posting about Google Chrome and putting them into label Windows software’s or browser. Here you will miss keywords like Chrome browser, Google chrome, etc. which would otherwise add to the keyword density of the whole post. Labels also affect related posts widgets in Blogger.And if there are so many posts tagged with similar labels, it would affect the arrangement of articles in related posts.

4). Blogger Post Title:

When we talk about BlogSpot SEO, post title plays a major role. Blogger post title is usually followed by home page title. Have a look at the image shown below.

blogger-post-title Here the post title should be “city of (long-distance ) Love! “. But the title is included in the home page title ” Still in Berlin “, and this would harm the SEO friendliness of the article title. Here is how to fix this. Go to Blogger edit HTML > find out code section


and replace it with

<b:if cond= 'data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;'>

Now the individual pages will have post title itself.

5). Blogger Images:

We have already shared a detailed article on Image optimization for SEO and basis of optimization your image on BlogSpot is by adding alt tag and title tags in every image. In WordPress, this could be easily achieved by using plugins but in BlogSpot, this needs to be done manually. You should insert them manually after uploading each image. Here is ShoutMeLoud popular guide on Image optimization for SEO.

6). Provide meta tags

Meta tags are generated HTML tags used by search engines to identify the title, description, and other details of a URL. They don’t have much influence on search as they were before, but would make a slight impact on targeted keywords.

7). Provide good title, description, and footer text

The title, footer, and description plays an important role in search engine optimization of every blog. If you are targeting, some keywords make sure that you included those keywords in the above-mentioned locations.

8). Nofollow external links

Nofollow is an HTML attribute specified on hyperlinks to block search engine advantage of external links in a website. In Blogger, you can select HTML section of the post window and add rel=”nofollow” attribute just after URL to prevent search engines from crawling a particular link. Also read: How to add nofollow link attribute to any link.

9). Format comment section

The Comment section should be no-followed and moderated to avoid spam comments. Try to include the post keywords when you are replying to reader comments. This would also add up to the total keyword density of the post. Since Google have integrated Google plus comment form with BlogSpot, I highly recommend you to enable it. This will ensure that you get higher social media interaction and share for your post.

10). Search Engine Web Master Tools:

Search Engine Web Master Tools - Tools that are used to manage your website/blog. You can manage sitemaps,robots,rich cards etc. As you know Google is the most popular Search Engine, So First go with Google Web Master Tools and Then Bing Web Master Tools and Goes on.