Remove A Scuff Mark From The Very Glass Watch

Scuff marks on glass timer crystals are elementary to remove.

Removing scuff marks from a Clock crystal is relatively manageable depending on the type of crystal. Vintage watches buttoned up the 1970s featured acrylic crystals, which are little to polish and cheap to interchange. Consequent models event mineral glass and sapphire crystals. Mineral glass crystals can be facile to polish, nevertheless sapphire crystals can be a tougher duty. Household dinnerware, silverware, brass and copper cleaning products that comprehend abrasive properties are the most direct polishing compounds. Toothpaste, which very contains abrasives, is a bully alternative in a pinch.


Household Products

1. Application a jeweller's loupe to examine the scuff mark. Run your thumb over it to determine whether there is groove and the crystal actually needs replacing. The scuff mark is a good candidate for removal only if it's a light scratch.

2. Apply a dab of Brasso or a similar polishing compound with abrasive properties to the crystal's surface. Toothpaste also will do the trick. Use your forefinger and rub the compound into the crystal in a circular motion.

4. Wipe away the remaining compound. Re-apply if the scuff mark is still there. Polish the crystal with a clean, dry polishing cloth.

3. Continue rubbing the compound for five to 10 minutes. Inspect your progress frequently by wiping away the compound with your finger. Apply more when necessary.

Diamond Paste

5. Apply 4 micron diamond paste to the surface of the crystal. Rub in a circular motion for about 10 minutes. This compound is particularly effective for sapphire crystals,the hardest glass on the watch market. The 4 micron diamond paste is a medium abrasive that removes scratches. Wipe away the paste periodically to monitor your progress.

6. Wipe away the 4 micron diamond paste with a polishing cloth once the scuff mark is gone.

7. Apply ¼ micron diamond paste to polish the crystal. Rub it into the crystal between five and 10 minutes until the crystal shines.