Fix A Coolant Leak On 95 Nissan Maxima

Inspecting the hoses for your engine may communicate the source of the leak.

3. Remove the radiator hose that is leaking. Use a screw driver to unscrew the radiator hose clamp and pull the hose from its connection. Drain any coolant in the hose into a catch pan.It is advisable to replace all hoses at the same time, because if one hose has gone bad, then you may be replacing another hose that is about to fail within the next few months, exposing your vehicle to a greater chance of overheating and permanent engine damage. On the contrary, leaks commonly aboriginal develop from the radiator hoses themselves.


1. Ajar the hood on your 1995 Maxima, inspecting the engine for signs of the coolant leak. Once you comprehend where the leak is forthcoming from, then you Testament be able to supply a belief for the doubt. Gun for dripping, spraying or bubbling from one of your engine's components, including the many hoses that are articulation of the 1995 Maxima cooling manner. Moreover to hoses, other leaks could begin from the radiator or soak pump. Pinch hoses while the machine is not running in codification to probation for cracks, splits or holes where coolant may be leaking.

2. Force check the coolant system. Top off your coolant by filling the reservoir until the coolant level is between the minimum and maximum levels. Be sure that the Maxima has not been turned on and the engine is cold before applying the pressure tester to your engine. Remove the radiator cap and attach the pressure tester to your 1995 Maxima. Pressurize the radiator to the pressure indicated on the radiator cap (found in pounds). The radiator and coolant system should be able to hold pressure for at least ten minutes. If pressure is falling, then that is an indication that there is a leak. Re-pressurize the system and look for the leaky hose or component.

Fixing a coolant leak on your 1995 Nissan Maxima can lift to prevent the engine from Very cold up while you are driving. Coolant, very recognized as anti-freeze, is a crucial Element of your automobile's heating and cooling step, allowing the engine temperature to conduct itself in plan to deposit the metal parts of the engine from melting. Replacing coolant leaks can embrace a divergency of tasks, depending on the source of the leak.

4. Replace the hose as well as the hose clamp. Ring hose clamps, which were used on 1995 Maxima's, tend to weaken in their ability to hold hoses tightly as they age. If available, replace ring hose clamps with worm drive stainless steel clamps.

5. Refill the coolant system on your 1995 Maxima. Use the same method described earlier when coolant was added to the coolant reservoir. Continue to check your coolant level over the next couple of times you drive your vehicle. If the coolant continues to leak, then you may have another hose or component that needs replacement.