Signs and symptoms Of Fuel Filter Problems

Soil fuel can construct your engine gallop Rugged.

Awake the symptoms of a muddy fuel filter may support you eliminate costly repairs.

Engine Runs Rough

The engine Testament amble Rugged when it is not getting Sufficiently fuel into the cylinder.The fuel filter is designed to cache contaminants absent of the fuel action. The fuel injector sprays a useful mist of fuel into the cylinder moments before the Glimmer is ignited. The orifices in the injector are perfect diminutive and can mature clogged with dirt and metal debris in the fuel.

A partially blocked fuel filter Testament allow some fuel into the cylinder to keep it running but not enough to keep it running smoothly.

Engine Stalls

An engine will stall when the demand on the fuel system exceeds the fuel supplied to the cylinder. Accelerating from a stop may cause the engine to stall because the engine cannot produce enough power to keep the car moving.

Engine Cranks but Won't Start

A blocked fuel filter will limit the amount of fuel that is injected into the cylinder. If the cylinder is not getting enough fuel, the engine will not start.