Remove An Oil Line From The Clutch Master Cylinder On The 1995 Chevrolet Pickup

The clutch is a Apartment lodgings plate with a thin layer of friction facts.

Trace the hydraulic line downward until you locate the point where it is secured to the firewall by a single nut. Loosen and remove this nut with a ratchet and socket, then pull the hose from the truck.


1. Emptied the hood and place the clutch skilled cylinder reservoir, which is the diminutive plastic reservoir bolted to the firewall. Extended the reservoir lid and siphon away all of the fluid using a turkey baster. Transfer the fluid to a minor container.

2. Up thrust the front of the vehicle, using a floor jack, and device it by placing jack stands unbefitting the frame rails. Lower the Chevy until it is supported by the jack stands.

3. Slide under the Motor lorry and establish the clutch fork arm, the arm protruding from the Chauffeur side of the transmission. The Element that is pushing against the fork arm is the clutch slave cylinder. Accommodation the remove pan directly below the slave cylinder. Loosen and remove the metal hydraulic wrinkle from the slave cylinder using a contour or illumination wrench.

4. Stand the Motor lorry from the jack stands using the floor jack, and pull the stands from under the Chevy. Lower the truck to the ground.

5. Trace the hose from the clutch master cylinder reservoir to the clutch master cylinder, the metal cylindrical component. Loosen and remove the metal hydraulic line from the bottom of the clutch master cylinder using a line or flare wrench.

6.The clutch operation on the 1995 Chevy pickup is powered by hydraulics as opposed to a cable. This method uses a clutch master cylinder, slave cylinder and a hydraulic line to engage and disengage the clutch. The hydraulic path running from the clutch master cylinder and the clutch slave cylinder can eventuate to leak due to decrepit date or damage. Removing this leaking or damaged hose is a relatively little duty to all with isolated a infrequent basic tools.