Alter The Signal Bulb Inside A Dodge Ram

Silver the Word Bulb in a Dodge RAM

2. Locate the access hole on the upper front of the fender well. Remove the covering plug and insert two fingers to find and remove nut holding lamp housing on Dodge Ram.3. Nevertheless, they are even human race to all the corresponding bantam repairs that any other vehicle would need. A burned gone signal light is hazardous and could author an expensive ticket provided not constant. Rather than fee up to $100 by bringing it to a native garage it makes impression to blitzkrieg this engagement Homewards in your own driveway.


1. Open the hood and find front turn signal bulbs inside the headlamp assemblies on each side. Find two bolts on the inside of lamp housing and remove them with an adjustable socket wrench.

Changing the front expression bulb in a Dodge RAM is a business anyone can cook. The Ram has been Engine Trend Periodical's Motor lorry of the Year three times. Due to their durability these trucks are much used as elbow grease vehicles.

Return to front of truck and gently pull headlight housing off and pull it free of the fender allowing room to replace bulb.

4. Remove the electrical connectors for the headlight, turn signal and parking light. Pull out the headlamp assembly. Turn the signal light connector a quarter turn counter clockwise and remove the signal light.

5. Use the old bulb as a model and purchase a new signal light. Insert a new bulb. Reconnect all connectors and reattach lamp housing. Reattach the nut back through the access hole. Insert the plug and close the hood.