Switch The Rocker Panel Inside A Chevrolet Truck

Rocker panels will require to be replaced expanded Frequently in weather conditions conducive to rust.

2. Slowly pull the old rocker panel off the truck, then continue to flatten all rough edges with the grinder until the surface of the truck is perfectly smooth.3. Hold the new rocker panel in place using the assistance of two friends, both of whom should be wearing protective hoods and gloves, and weld the rocker panel to the truck using standard welding equipment.


1. Grind the existing rocker panel off carefully, while wearing safety goggles, by applying the grinder with an angle grinder fitting to the edges of the panel that connect to the truck. Be careful to focus on the panel, while not allowing the grinder To excavate into the side of the truck.

The rocker panels on your Chevy Motor lorry can wear absent quite easily over day due to the tremendous abuse they extreme every date. Provided you breathing in an earth at giant risk for rust, then your rocker panels Testament deteriorate all the more faster. Be advised that, although you can transform the rocker panels yourself and save a enormous deal of funds by doing so, the procedure requires appreciable cutting, grinding and welding. As such, provided your welding skills are not up to par, it would probably be top for you to dispensation the job to a professional.