Develop A Fishing rod Bender

Conformation a Rod Bender

Rods of all types are used in building and remodeling. If it's for concrete rebar, custom handles or retaining supports for the garden, rods in all shapes and sizes are used throughout the habitation. The rod can be curved to disparate radiuses, stooped to a smooth right-angle turn or all the course of action environing into a horseshoe "U" shape. A rod bending belongings makes the faculty accelerated and fault costless.


Making the rod bender

1. Obtain the 6-foot length of tube and thread it into the T connector

2. Thread one team of pipes into Everyone side of the T connector. Colorful lengths of pairs of drainpipe Testament interchange the radius of the bend. No main at all makes for a besides short radius bend.

3. Acquisition a compact surface such as concrete, asphalt or a solid quota of wood. A length of 2-by-6 works bushy-tailed for working on earth or a gravel surface.

Using the rod bender

4. Aim where on the rod you yearning the bend to begin.

6. Pull back on the 6-foot handle and bend the rod no more than 5 degrees from a straight line. Do not worry about denting or damaging the solid rod.7.

5. Cover a rod up to 3/4 inch in diameter. Do not worry about any excess space inside between the pipe and rod.

Move the rod bending tool farther along the length of the rod. Move the rod bending tool until half of the previously bent rod length is in the tool and half the rod in the tool is straight.

8. Repeat steps 3 and 4 to complete the full bend around the length of the curve. Do not bend more than 5 degrees of rod with one pull. More than 5 degrees may cause the solid rod to crack.