Calculate How Big The Environment Intake For Heating Systems

Calculate the bigness of the intake tube on a central heating course to ice Sufficiently air reaches the Slogan. Everyone heating system specifies a required immensity, in cubic inches, for air intake. Its employment is to haul in amplitude temperature air that is then heated and sent throughout the familiar. The tome, or competence, of an air intake cylinder depends on the size of its cylindrical shape. (Behold Reference 1) These size involve its length extremely as radius. On the Hand-bill opening of the cylinder, radius extends from the centre to the edge. (See Reference 2)


1. Measure the length of the air intake pipe in inches. Our example pipe has a length of 10.0 inches.

2. Measure the circumference of the air intake in inches. Circumference signifies total the distance around the outside of the pipe. (See Reference 2) Assume a circumference of 35.0 inches for the intake.

3. Divide the circumference of the intake by 6.28 to obtain the radius of the pipe in inches. (See Reference 3) The number 6.28 denotes 2 times the number pi. Performing this step leads to 3.14 times 10.0 inches times 5.6 inches times 5.6 inches, or 984.7 cubic inches.

This leads to 35.0 inches divided by 6.28, or 5.6 inches.4. Multiply the number pi times the length times the square of the radius to reach at the size of the air intake in cubic inches. (See Reference 1) Use 3.14 for the number pi.