Take Away The Master Brake Cylinder Inside A 1991 Acura Integra

Remove the Skilled Brake Cylinder in a 1991 Acura Integra

Then wrap a mechanics rag around the base of the master cylinder to play down leaks.3. Disconnect the two bolts that hold the master cylinder to the brake booster using an open-end wrench. Then pull the master cylinder away from the car.


1. Pop the hood and locate the master cylinder. It's located on the brake booster on the driver's side firewall. Use the siphon pump to drain the reservoir on the top of the master cylinder into the drain pan.

2. Disconnect the brake lines leading into the master cylinder using a line wrench.The hydraulic brake development in a 1991 Acura Integra uses a crack cylinder to push brake fluid to Everyone caliper or brake drum on the machine. The cylinder has seals on it and, over day, these seals can rent down and chop your braking faculty. To locate the hot water you hog to alternate the crack cylinder with a advanced or reconditioned mould, nevertheless first you have to remove the old one.