Subaru Legacy 2 5 Air Conditioning Filter Location

The Legacy is a mid-sized vehicle designed and manufactured by the Subaru Convention. Open the air filter housing to access the air filter.

1. Situate the Legacy in "Field" and turn the engine off. Concede the vehicle to frosty for 30 minutes before working under the hood.

2. Emptied the hood of the Legacy by pulling the hood Proceeds lever within the vehicle.

3. Ascertain the air filter housing by looking on the passenger side of the vehicle. The air filter housing is in the front of the vehicle and looks allying a substantial square black box. The black box has two fasteners on the top securing the housing shut.

4. Unlatch the two fasteners on the top of the air filter housing. The Legacy comes in indefinite engine sizes including 2.5L. The air filter within the Legacy is constrained for filtering gone pollen, carbon and other impurities from the engine air. A Disinfected air filter Testament support your Subaru Legacy engine dart efficiently and properly.
