Remove Air From The Brake Line

Removing air from your brake lines is too called bleeding your brake lines. It is an influential effects of brake perpetuation in that the air in your brake lines can basis the brakes to perform any less than guarded even. There are a infrequent antithetic methods for bleeding brakes. With the aid of an assistant, you can bleed the brakes on your vehicle without purchasing additional Accoutrement. Whether you cause not keep someone with whom to endeavor, you Testament occasion to to bleed your brakes using a pressurized brake bleeder tools.


1. Lift the hood of the vehicle and catch the cap from the masterly cylinder. Habitat the spare tire under the hood, on top of the air filter of the engine, with the air nozzle hurried to the crackerjack cylinder. Connect the cap from the vigour bleed implements to the proficient cylinder. Connect the hose on the bleed apparatus cap to the filler nozzle of the spare tire.

2. Loosen the lug nuts on the rear wheels with a tire iron. Place the lifting jack beneath the frame near the rear bumper and lift the vehicle. Place jack stands beneath the frame of the vehicle.

3. Remove the lug nuts and the rear wheels from the vehicle.

4. Place the tubing from the pressure bleeding kit on the bleed valve of the right rear brake caliper. Place a drip pan beneath the right rear brake. Open to bleed valve with the adjustable wrench. Monitor the flow of brake fluid through the tubing into the drip pan below. Allow the brake fluid to flow from the brake line until there are no more bubbles visible. Close the bleed valve.

5. Remove the bleed kit tubing from the bleed valve and place it on the bleed valve of the left rear brake.

6. Repeat the steps for bleeding the brakes on the left rear brake bleed valve, followed by the right front brake bleed valve, and finally the left front brake bleed valve.

Replace the wheels onto the wheel bolts of the vehicle. Screw on the lug nuts by hand. Lift the vehicle with a lifting jack to remove the jack stands. Then lower the vehicle to the ground.

7. Disconnect the bleed kit master cylinder cap from the master cylinder and from the spare tire under the hood. Replace the spare tire. Fill the master cylinder with brake fluid and replace the master cylinder cap.8.