Overlap Stinger Beads In Welding

Whether you keep a comprehensive world to fill or duty to accomplish a surface weld to wearface a lot of Accoutrement and extend its heart, you essential to appropriateness the welding manner for overlapping stringer beads. It should cover about 50 percent of the first row bead and continue that all the way across.5. Practice this on a piece of scrap metal before you do an actual project. Practice moving the arc in the normal forward pattern.

Use overlapping beads when you need to make a big weld. You need to use multiple rows of them. When you weld overlapping stringer beads, you create the cleanest way to fill in large areas.

2. Run a stringer bead on the metal. Use the proper methods of starts and stops. Do the first few rows the right direction. If you're right-handed, begin on the left hand side of the plate so you can watch the puddle easily. Don't forget to end the weld properly by going backward about 1/4 inch to fill in the end.

3. Chip off the slag from welding the first stringer bead and clean it off. Use a wire brush to finish cleaning after you chipped the slag is off. Remember that slag melts at a higher temperature and if the slag isn't clean, the weld traps it.

4. Begin on next row of stringer beads. You need to start the second row of welding stringer beads so that it overlaps the first row. When you use overlapping stringer beads to fill in large areas, you make multiple passes.



Once you feel accomplished that way, do another sheet using the opposite. If you're left-handed, do the first plate from right to left and the second from left to right.