Marine Compass History

The marine compass is a Slogan which had outside relatively unchanged throughout human version. At the interval it was used as a method to denote the progression in which Mecca levy for daily prayers. The simple magnetic needles in a bowl of water were changed to seem like scaled metal fish inside a closed glass structure. The 32 point compass rose was developed shortly afterward to aid in more precise navigation.


Though it has been widely agreed that the virgin marine compass was developed in China, it's been posited by archaeologists that the Olmec crowd of South America developed a working lodestone compass as early as 1000 B.C., In good time the Chinese discovered the Attractive properties of confident stones. Though this compass was practicable To possess been used primarily for astronomical calculations, it could be factually stated that this was the precursor of the marine compass.


References to the properties of magnets appeared in Chinese literature as early as 300 B.C. For many elderliness magnets were used by Feng Shui artists and architects to assure the spiritual agreement of their environment and structures they built. The earliest reference of magnetized needles life used in marine semanship appears in the slow A.D. 1000s. At this day the marine compass consisted of a magnetized bodkin activity sat in a bowl of imbue and observed until it pointed to correctly north. From this objective it's believed that the marine compass was diffused finished other cultures from Commerce.

Middle East

The marine compass was introduced to the Islamic microcosm in the mid 1200s. It consists of a magnetized thorn allowed to rotate freely, which Testament always affiliate itself with the nature's Attractive globe, pointing due north. Combined with a compass and timepiece, the marine compass has been used by sailors to navigate the ocean for centuries.

Olmec Pre-history

It's believed that the marine compass appeared in much of Europe sometime during the 13th century, primarily existing in the form of a magnetized needle sitting on a spindle and allowed to turn freely. This is the form in which the marine compass has largely remained since then.


Marine compasses were introduced to India at roughly the same time they came to Europe, though whether they came from Europe or China is unknown. They were known as the matsa yantra, which is a reference to the form they took: a shaped metal fish which was magnetized and then set into a cup of oil.