Create A Vehicle Seem Like A Race Vehicle

Create you hope for your vehivle to examine alike your favorite NASCAR Chauffeur's automobile? Your machine may not retain the horsepower for a relay vehivle, nevertheless you can at least cook it scrutinize on the elsewhere approximative it's unreal for the speedway.

Install a rear wing or spoiler on the trunk. The most popular style may be one that balances on stilts, extends flat from one end of the car to the other and has fins at each end.6. Attach a net to the window on the driver's side.

2. Put your name on the roof or doorframe above the window. Write your signature in big letters and have a professional sign shop make decals of it. Place a sticker of your state or country flag near the decals.

3. Pick a primary "sponsor" company and place its logo on the hood and rear fenders. If copyright rules prevent you from having decals made, you may have to settle for large photocopies affixed with tape or glue.

4. Choose secondary sponsors and place smaller versions of their logos along the fenders near the wheels. A number of your favorite products will probably work best.



1. Catch a numeral and emulsion it on both doors below the windows and on the roof. You'll need the numbers extensive Sufficiently so that they subsume most of the doors and roof and the colour to stand elsewhere from the motorcar color.

Your best bet will be to go to a custom car or race shop that will have window nets for sale with the installation directions.