About Tata Nano

Tata Nano is familiar as the cheapest van in the earth, an environmentally friendly motorcar that seats four dudes and lone costs approximately $2,500. This revolutionary machine was unveiled in India in 2008 was was created to convert the expedient dudes peregrination in rural India. At sorrounding half the payment of the cheapest cars on the mart condign at once, Tata Nano make-believe it likely for citizens who couldn't formerly afford a vehicle to get one.


Ratan Tata, the attitude of Tata Motors, came up with the end to generate the "folks's van" back in 2003. He then place well-adjusted an engineering contingent and gave them three requirements for the much nonexistent vehicle. Those requirements were that it follows regulatory requirements, be low priced and carry alpine acceleration energy and be very fuel efficient. After an initial prototype flopped, they came up with the contemporary Tata Nano.

The car has ample leg space and head room. Additionally, its width of 1.5 meters and length of 3.5 meters allows it to blend maneuverability and space and travel well in both crowded urban areas and countryside alike.



The Tata Nano has a plenty of benefits. Its immoderately low bill, fuel efficient (it has a still lower pollution alike than other cars produced in India honest away) and environmentally friendly, with a very low carbon footprint. Also, the car is relatively spacious, comfortably seating four passengers.

As of right now, the Tata Nano still is only available for purchase in India. However, there are plans to launch it in many more countries encircling the world. Within a span of four years, the Tata Nano is going to be introduced in markets in Southeast Asia, Latin America and Africa.


There have been questions of safety regarding the Tata Nano. India has 8 percent of the world's car crash fatalities alone, and many worry that introducing a million Nanos will only increase the occurrence of car crashes. However, as of now the Tata Nano lacks antilock braking systems and airbags, which wouldn't even let it get past approval in many nations such as the United Kingdom. However, the addition of these features would cause the price of the vehicle to soar (at least doubling it).


There are three basic types of Tata Nanos available now. They are standard, deluxe and luxury. The standard Tata Nano does not come with air conditioning, however, the deluxe and luxury varieties do. The Luxury Tata Nano also comes with extra features such as fog lamps, alloy wheels and ICE. The vehicle comes in several colors, including red, yellow and silver.