Change Engine Devices Inside A 1993 Mazda Protege

Transform Engine Belts in a 1993 Mazda Protege

The 1993 Mazda Protege uses a unmarried sash to endowment the alternator, and a unmarried girth to simultaneously dynamism the air conditioning compressor and the faculty steering pump. As with all automotive belts, these belts are prone to cracks and stretching over continuance. Happily, changing either cestuses is a straightforward method.


Changing the Alternator Belt

1. Tighten the bolt at the backside of the front of the alternator to between 27 and 38 ft-lbs. of torque with a torque wrench.

Air Conditioning and Power Steering Belt

9. Loosen the upper and lower air conditioning compressor bolts with a wrench until the compressor’s cestuses is loose.

Pull the band off the pulley at the front of the alternator.

4. Pull the zone off the crankshaft pulley.

5. Involve the replacement band into the groove within the crankshaft pulley.

6. Include the counter heel of the cummerbund into the groove within the alternator’s pulley.

7. Tighten the alternator adaption bolt at the top of the alternator to between 14 and 19 ft-lbs. of torque with a torque wrench.

8. Loosen the bolt at the backside of the front of the alternator with a wrench.2. Loosen the alternator assimilation bolt at the top of the alternator until the alternator region is loose.3.

10. Pull the region off the pulley at the front of the air conditioning compressor.

11. Pull the belt off the power steering pump pulley.

12. Pull the belt off the crankshaft pulley.

13. Insert the replacement belt into the groove within the crankshaft pulley.

14. Insert the belt into the power steering pump’s pulley, then into the pulley on the front of the air conditioning compressor.

15. Insert a pry bar between the air conditioning compressor and the side of the engine, then use the pry bar to pull the compressor away from the engine to tighten the belt.

16. Tighten the upper and lower air conditioning compressor bolts with a wrench while maintaining the belt tension with the pry bar.