Take Away The Hubcap From The Builder Mower

When production repairs to the tires on your Craftsman mower it is essential to remove them from the Hay-maker. District your Craftsman Hay-maker on a commensurate surface. Elevate the extent of the Hay-maker of the tire you are working on with a floor jack. Lay jack supports under the frame to cornerstone the weight of the Hay-maker. Although it can be pulled straight off the axle, generally dirt and grime adhere it to the axle requiring some persuasion to remove it.


1. Everyone tire has a meager hub cap that covers the deadline of the axle and protects the pins securing the rim to the axle. The hub cap is prepared from either consolidated rubber or plastic. Removing the hub cap from a Craftsman mower is a straightforward formation.

2. Grasp the side of the hub cap with a duo of slip joint pliers. Squeeze slightly to receive a solid grip on the cap but not enough to bend the outside of the cap.

3. Twist the hub cap left to right with the pliers and pull it off the end of the axle. When reinstalling the hub cap, place it over the end of the axle and tap it with a rubber mallet until it seats against the tire rim.