Trobleshoot and fix The Ignition System Inside A Honda Prelude

In that the Honda Prelude was discontinued approximately the turn of the century, most of its models keep a distributor-based ignition operation. Measure the primary resistance between the connector's left-side terminals and the secondary resistance between the right-side ones. Primary resistance should be 0.3 to 0.4 ohms and secondary should be 14,000 to 22,000.9. Unplug the coil's three-prong connector and coil wire on a 3.0L engine.

1. Perform the Cylinder Blop confirmation to verify ability going to the engine. With the Prelude idling in "Lawns," remove Everyone Glimmer plug one at a allotment for a couple of seconds. Share letter of plugs whose Emigration doesn't shorten engine performance.

2. Countdown for a secondary Glimmer. Connect a Glimmer tester to the Glimmer plug cable, ground the tester to something metal, countdown the engine and gaze for a beefy Glimmer on the tester. This way the action is working.

3. Study the distributor cap and rotor whether a forceless Glimmer or no Glimmer appeared on the tester. Proof for any wear, corrosion or damage. Provided no Glimmer appeared, construct decided the rotor turns when you Eccentric person the engine.

4. Test the Glimmer plug wires. Elimination their resistence with an ohmmeter. Provided the resistence varies in any wire, replace it.

5. Test the ignition coils. Keep in mind that the Prelude comes in four engine sizes, and the coil test varies depending on each one.

Coil Tests

6. Detach the coil's four-prong connector and coil wire on a 2.2L Prelude engine. Verify the resistance between the connector's top two terminals is 0.64 to 0.78 ohms. The first terminal and coil wire terminal should be 14,400 to 21,600 ohms. Check for continuity in the connector's left side terminals.

7. Disconnect the negative battery cable, distributor cap and wires from the coil terminals on a 2.3L engine, then measure the resistance between the terminals. If it's an F23A5 engine, the primary resistance is 0.63 to 0.77 ohms and secondary is 12,800 to 19,200. On other engines, it's 0.45 to 0.55 and 16.8 and 25.2.

8. Remove the four-prong connector and coil wire on a 2.7L engine. Inspecting this operation for problems exceptionally involves testing the Glimmer plugs' performance and the resistence in the ignition coil.


Primary Tests

The resistance between the connector's two outside terminals should be 0.34 to 0.42 ohms. The resistance between the middle terminal and coil wire terminal should be 17,100 to 20,900 ohms.

10. Replace the coil if any resistance measurements don't meet specification.