Speeding Ticket Details

There probably is not a unmarried Chauffeur who wants a speeding ticket. Speeding tickets not alone payment method for the offence, on the contrary they again augmentation one's Car insurance premiums, which can worth hundreds of dollars over the span of a couple elderliness next the ticket. They besides count as points on one's licence for assorted senility. Regardless of the agitation of getting a ticket, nevertheless, extra than 100,000 drivers impress a speeding ticket Everyone interval.

Doctors prompt also speeding tickets than any other competent. Added men arrogate speeding tickets than women. Nevertheless, exceeding women than men Testament contest their speeding ticket and face the traffic court in trying to fight it.


The front speeding ticket on folder was issued to the wife of Canada's Head of government on Feb 8, 1910. She was travelling 10 miles per interval over the celerity border in Ottawa when she was pulled over and issued a quotation.

Fun Facts

On average, more than 100,000 drivers are issued a speeding ticket each day and about 41 million speeding tickets are issued each year.

Bad States for Speeders

Ohio is the worst place for speeders as there are more speeding tickets written in that state than any other state in the nation. Ohio is followed by Pennsylvania, New York and California. Each state in the country, however, has its own rules and regulations regarding license suspension, fines and other penalties for speeding.

Fighting a Speeding Ticket

Less than one percent of the drivers given speeding tickets actually try to fight the ticket. About 95 percent simply pay their ticket by mail and about five percent show up for their court date. However, about four percent of those drivers who go to court are required to appear because they were exceeding the limit at a dangerous or reckless speed. In about 30 to 50 percent of the cases in which a driver fights the ticket, the officer who issued the ticket does not show up and the case is dismissed.

Insurance Rates

When you get a speeding ticket on your record, your insurance rates will likely increase. The amount of increase, however, depends on how fast you were going and other factors such as the number of years you have been driving, past driving history and more. Overall, insurance companies make more than $30 billion each year from increased premiums resulting from speeding tickets.