Switch The Heater Hoses Inside A Volkswagen Beetle

It's conventional for heater hoses in your VW Beetle to wear away over hour.2. Remove the radiator cap, and place the plug on the backside of the radiator. Place a Disinfected container under the plug and bleed the engine coolant. If you are replacing the top hose, it won't be necessary to drain all of the coolant, but be sure to drain enough so the level is below the hose.

1. Lift the hood of your Beetle, fix the two radiator hoses and impel which ones needs to be replaced. Provided you're having bind finding the leak, break your share along the hose and observe for damp places.

The upper hose, which carries baking coolant, is mainly prone to wear. Whether this happens, be undeniable to exchange the worn hose as soon as viable, as waiting can grounds overheating and downbeat engine damage. Here's moderate the engine hose on any replica of the virgin Beetle.


3. Loosen the clamps on each end of the hose and slide them out of the way toward the middle of the hose. Carefully remove the hose from the connectors on each end. Take a good look at the clamps, because if they are worn, they should be replaced.

4. Dip each end of the replacement hose in engine coolant and push them into place over the connectors. Slide the clamps to the ends of the hose. Be sure they're at least 1/4 inch from the ends and that they aren't placed over the connector underneath.

5. Make sure the radiator cap and drain plug are on securely, and start the motor. Let it run long enough to warm up, then turn it off. Check the level of coolant and add more if necessary. A mixture of half distilled water and half antifreeze works best.

6. Check the new hose for leaks, particularly on the clamp ends, and adjust them if needed.