Switch The Coolant Recovery Tank Inside A Toyota Corolla

When you cook firm repairs on your Corolla, allied removing the starter or transaxle, you necessitate to remove the Corolla's coolant recovery vat, otherwise avowed as the coolant reservoir container. Whether you should damage any components of the vat during this step, you'll committal a different one. Here is moderate the coolant reservoir vehicle on your Corolla so your method is back in comission.


1. Make sure you have a rag to catch any coolant that may spill out of the tank. Use a small bin to catch any coolant that flows from the radiator.4. Reattach the new coolant recovery tank hose to the radiator, and then pop the new tank under the stay.

Be sure to note the hose is still attached to the radiator at this point.

3. Remove the coolant overflow hose from the radiator. Turn the engine off on your Corolla, and wait for it to completely chilly. Be firm To admit at least an period for the engine coolant to shrink back into the radiator before working on the reservoir tank.2. Depress the coolant tank "stay" to free it from the engine compartment.

5. Refill with pre-mixed coolant that is approved by your Toyota dealer. Pour in the coolant until it reaches the cold fill line and tightly replace the cap.