Repair A Burned Headliner Within An Automobile

Repair a Burned Headliner in an Machine

A headliner can burn for diverse reasons, on the other hand the leading inference that burn marks come forth in a headliner is due to cigarette burns. When the gratuity of the cigarette presses against the headliner, the data melts or burns, depending on the facts of the headliner. You can easily repair cigarette and other little burns on a headliner with the practice of thin automotive Floor-mat filler and velour flocking. Copious burned areas on the headliner should be replaced with latest structure.


1. Intersect a quantity of Floor-mat wadding the identical dimensions as the burn on the headliner. The smaller the burn, the easier this is and the less visible the repair earth Testament be. Fit the Floor-mat wadding inside the burned gap. Whether the wrapping sticks out from remainder of the headliner, then trim away the damaged portion of the headliner so that the carpet padding can sit on the same level as remainder of the headliner cloth.

2. Trim any flocking pieces that are too long with scissors. Use your finger to blur the line between the repaired area and the original ceiling of the vehicle. Repair all other burns in the same way. Allow the flock to dry for 2 hours.

3. Glue the carpet padding to the headliner with the spray glue. Press the padding into place so that it bonds securely with the headliner.

4. Spray the surface of the carpet padding with spray glue. Place some dyed flock onto the carpet padding. Place enough flock onto the patched area to match the texture of remainder of the ceiling.

5. Spray the flock with an atomizer spray to make the flocking stand on end. Do this before the glue dries so that the flocking can dry in the correct position. Allow the glue to dry for at least 2 hours.

6. Dye the velour flock the same color as the cloth on the headliner. A carpet dye is the best way to achieve this. Make sure the cloth is indistinguishable from the dyed fibers, or else the repair will always be visible.